17 Weeks

Our baby is as big as an onion this week! It's Getting bigger and bigger everyday. I think I felt the baby move the other night .... Greg and I were watching a movie and I was touching my belly and I felt this weird sensation inside .... kinda like fluttering. I've been paying attention to all the little movements in my tummy but this one was definately not like anything I've been feeling. I can't wait to know for sure that it's the baby moving! What an exciting thing.

Here's what it says online about my onion this week! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.


Only 3 more weeks and I will be at the half-way point! I am very excited about that but also very nervous about the whole birthing process and caring for the baby all on our own. Abbie seems to enjoy her life with us so I'm sure we will do just fine with the baby.

Well I better get some sleep. Got a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:00 so I need to get up at 5:00. So not looking forward to that.

~ Don't forget to guess what we are having! It's almost time to find out!

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