I miss you and love you so much Ty.
I hope you celebrated a great 2nd birthday in heaven.
Your cousins Hannah, Makennah, and Savannah along with your Auntie Sheri brought over some pink roses for mommy yesterday. It really brightened my day. Your Auntie Jennifer emailed mommy a picture of your cousin Dexter and seeing that brightened my day too. Your Grandma Sandy brought mommy and daddy three red roses and a card. I love that I had that distraction yesterday. What distraction am I going to have today? It's not that I want to be distracted from thinking about you son, but I just don't know how much my heart can take.
I hope that your 1st Birthday in Heaven is even more special then what your 1st Birthday on earth would've been because you deserve the best Ty Gavin Fischer.
Mommy loves and misses you very much.
Or a cute little puppy! Instead to mark Ty's first Halloween I carved a pumpkin for my angel in heaven.
My Dearest Ty Gavin,
I hope you have the best 1st Halloween in Heaven! Please help watch over all your little cousin's as they go trick-or-treating tomorrow night. I would've loved to have taken your picture with your cousins tomorrow night but instead you will be trick or treating in Heaven with Jesus.
I miss you my precious baby boy.
Love Mommy.
My Mom is a Survivor
Kaye Des'Ormeaux
My mom is a survivor,
Or so I have heard it said.
But I can hear her crying
When all others are in bed.
I watch her lay awake at night
And go to hold her hand.
She doesn’t know I’m with her
To help her understand.
But like the sands upon the beach
That never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom,
Who thinks of me each day.
She wares a smile for others...
A smile of disguise.
But through heaven’s open door
I see tears flowing from her eyes
My mom tries to cope with my death
To keep my memory alive.
But to anyone who knows her
Knows it’s her way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving mom
Through heaven’s open door...
I try to tell her
Angels protect me forevermore.
I know that doesn’t help her...
Or ease the burden she bears.
So if you get a chance,
talk to her...
And show her that you care.
For no matter what she says...
No matter what she feels.
My surviving mom has a broken heart
That time won’t ever heal.
A Bereaved Parent's Wish List
(Found on http://www.our-sma-angels.com/abbylynn/wishlist.htm blog reprinted with permission from, Compassionate Friends, Oakbrook Illinois)
I wish my child hadn't died. I wish I had him back.
I wish you wouldn't be afraid to speak my child's name. My child lived and was very important to me. I need to hear that he was important to you also.
If I cry and get emotional when you talk about my child I wish you knew that it isn't because you have hurt me. My child's death is the cause of my tears.
You have talked about my child, and you have allowed me to share my grief. I thank you for both.
I wish you wouldn't "kill" my child again by removing his pictures, artwork, or other remembrances from your home.
Being a bereaved parent is not contagious, so I wish you wouldn't shy away from me. I need you now more than ever.
I need diversions, so I do want to hear about you; but, I also want you to hear about me.
I might be sad and I might cry, but I wish you would let me talk about my child, my favorite topic of the day.
I know you think of and pray for me often. I also know that my child's death pains you, too.
I wish you would let me know those things through a phone call, a card, note, or a real big hug.
I wish you wouldn't expect my grief to be over in a short period of time. I wish you could understand that my grief will never be over.
I will suffer the death of my child until the day I die. Grief is a life long process.
I am working very hard in my recovery, but I wish you could understand that I will never fully recover.
I will always miss my child, and I will always grieve that he is dead.
I wish you wouldn't expect me "not to think about it" or to "be happy".
Neither will happen for a very long time, so don't frustrate yourself.
I don't want to have a "pity party", but I do wish you would let me grieve. I must hurt before I can heal.
I wish you understood how my life has shattered. I know it is miserable for you to be around me when I'm feeling miserable. Please be as patient with me as I am with you.
When I say "I'm doing okay", I wish you could understand that I don't "feel" okay and that I struggle daily.
I wish you knew that all of the grief reactions I'm having are very normal.
Depression, anger, hopelessness and overwhelming sadness are all to be expected. So please excuse me when I'm quiet and withdrawn or irritable and cranky.
Your advice to "take one day at a time" is excellent advice. However, a day is too much and too fast for me right now. I wish you could understand that I'm doing good to handle an hour at a time.
Please excuse me if I seem rude, certainly not my intent. Sometimes the world around me goes too fast and I need to get off. When I walk away, I wish you would let me find a quiet place to spend time alone.
I wish you understood that grief changes people. When my child died, a big part of me died with him. I am not the same person I was before my child died, and I will never be that person again.
I wish very much that you could understand my loss and grief, my silence and my tears, my void and my pain. BUT...I pray daily that you will never understand.