I saw this design on a pregnancy loss site and printed it out onto an address label sticker and then I printed another with Ty's name and date on it. I have it sitting on Ty's shelf in our bedroom now.

These candles were all the one's that I lit. The red one in the front is for my husband's cousin Debbie and her husband Dave's son Kolton James who was born at 17 weeks on January 12, 2008 and next to it is Ty's candle. In the back the one on the far right was lit for my brother-in-law Tom and sister-in-law Jennifer's first baby who they lost in the first trimester, the two beside that candle were lit for my friend Jeanine's two 1st trimester loses (she lost babies in between her oldest daughter and son and then between her son and her youngest daughter), the one last one in the back is for all the amazing women whose stories I've read about on a blog or who I know in real life who have also experience a loss. And the tall taper candle is from Ty's Grandma Sandy. She brought that candle and candle holder over to light for Ty.

Next is all the pictures I received from friends and family who lit a candle in rememberance.
Tom and Jennifer's Candle

Grandma Lylia's Candle at work
Tammy's Candle
Patti's Candle
Grandpa Lyle's Candle
Donna's Candle 
I thank each and everyone of you who lit a candle for Ty. It meant a lot to me and even brightened everything for a few days. May you always remember October 15th as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rememberance Day.
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