My Dearest Son Ty,
Mommy misses you so much. I can't believe that it's been 3 1/2 months since I held you in my arms. Even though that was a very painful time for me I would go back to that day just to hold you again. I made a scrapbook about you. I look at it at least once a week. I look at the pictures we have of you, the story of my pregnancy with you, and all the wonderful cards we got. I would be 33 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy with you. You would've been born in 6 weeks if things didn't happen the way they did. You have forever changed my life son. I just wish that you would've changed my life in a different way. I know God has a plan for you. For me. For your daddy. At times it is hard to accept his plan, but at times that is what keeps me going. Believing in him. Believing in his plan for my life. Before you came along Ty, I kind of let myself just exsist. Now I am living my life better and taking steps to overcome the bad habits I acquired over the years. I'm trying to enjoy life more and do what I want to be doing. It makes me sad that you aren't here to be a part of mommy and daddy's lives. It makes me sad that you will never get to know your great grandma, your grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. I know that you would've blended in beautifully!
I love you with all my heart Ty! I can't wait to hold you in heaven but until then you keep Grandpa and Grandma Carlson and Grandpa and Grandma Hoffer company.
Love Mommy.
P.S. When we brought you home I bought you these balloons so that everyone who came to be with us that night could all write something to you and we were going to send them up to heaven. Well just like you they left this earth a little too early and no one got to write on them. Mommy wants everyone who reads this blog to write a message to Ty and leave it in the comments (even if you read my blog and I don't know you). Ty would love to hear what you would've said to him had he or the balloons not left this earth so soon.
I am truly thankful that God brought you into our lives. Although your time on earth was short .... Your time in my heart will go on forever. Tell God thank you for the beautiful weather that he gave us on your burial night. I know that you received my first balloon that I sent you and I hope to send you many more ... next time not all at once ;>)
I love you Ty Gavin Fischer!
We are so grateful to have had you in our life for what short time we had. We know that you will be looking over us from heaven and forever be our angel. Love Uncle Jayson and Aunt Lisa
I was sooooo excited when mommy told me that she was pregnant, I could finally be a REAL grandma. But God had a different plan. Ty, you tell Grandma and Grandpa Carlson, Hi, we all love them and Also tell Grandma and grandpa Hoffer, Hi and that we all love them too. Also tell Deanna we miss her and love her too. We miss you and can't believe its been 3 and a half months since you where here!!!!!
Love you!
Grandma and Grandpa Hoffer
Dearest Little Ty,
I was so excited when Grandma Lylia told me that your mommy was pregnant with you. You were only here for a short time with your mommy and daddy. My heart sank when Grandma said that you had left us, but God has a special plan for you and we all love and miss you very much little Ty. I miss you little angel. With all my love Auntie Patty Kraft
Very much loved...Baby Ty,
For just a short while you made your parents and everyone else very happy. But, because we lost you, we will not forget you.
In your memory,
Your great aunt and uncle
Sandy and Bob Frantsvog
Ty, you are truly a blessing and made a lifetime change in the short time you were with us. You are missed but we are glad to know that we have an angel like you in heaven! Love - Uncle Tom and Aunt Jennifer
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