The baby is as big as a sweet potato this week! We went to the doctor yesterday for my 2nd OB appointment. Everything went well. The baby's heartbeat was nice and strong and in the 150's. It was nice hearing the heartbeat for the second time ..... it seemed louder and stronger then last time. Everything seems to be going good with the pregnancy. I overdid it at work yesterday and hurt my back a little. I'm fixin to go to the chiropractor in the morning. Hopefully I won't be in too much pain afterwards.
Keep those guesses going on the poll! Our next doctor's appointment is March 16th and that is when we'll have the 20 week ultrasound and hopefully find out if we are going to be blessed with a son or daughter. I am so excited about that and I can hardly wait! Infact I can't wait because my doctor is booking out until the end of March ..... so I set up my appointment with the PA that I've saw up until yesterday's first doctor appointment! I am IMPATIENT!
Well I am off to rest my aching back and to get some much needed sleep!